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The Van Hage "Fair Trade" Village

at Van Hage, Great Amwell Only


The whole event was enhanced with the arrival of an African troupe of drummers and dancers who sat amongst revellers on the patio outside of Cafe VH and leading to the "Fair Trade" village.


The "And Albert Foundation" is a registered charity set up to create long-term ethical trade with villages in the developing world. All profits are ploughed back into a growing number of projects in the poorest and often remotest parts of the world. This long-term relationship empowers the people to regain their self-respect and begin to overcome their own problems with self-help schemes drawing on their indigenous skills & resourcefulness.

The "And Albert Foundation" a registered charity & "Trading Roots" celebrates cultures, supports craft people & helps shape sustainable solutions to specific local problems throughout the developing world.

By learning with "And Albert", everyone can "Share this Aventure".

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© 2004/05 The Van Hage Garden Company at Great Amwell (Head Office) Ware, Hertfordshire SG12 9RP Tel: 01920 870811 Fax: 01920 871861